The whiskered tern – breeding in the backwaters
Social bird from oxbow lakes and other marshes, the whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybrida) is an impressive hunter, that builds the floating nests from the vegetation.
Rivers are lifelines of our planet!
Social bird from oxbow lakes and other marshes, the whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybrida) is an impressive hunter, that builds the floating nests from the vegetation.
Not many fishermen like these excellent hunters. However, the great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) are natural on our rivers and other water bodies.
The sand martin (Riparia riparia) is a bird that can’t live without river erosion. It breeds on a steep river bank and is the symbol of many natural rivers.
Rumbling and glittering waterfalls tumbling down are integral parts of the rivers, also often the most beautiful. I have explored how waterfalls look like inside.
Ranomafana National Park is one of the most exotic places in Madagascar. Its steep slopes are covered by the dense and humid cloud forest, where trees are covered by epiphytes, home to many endemic orchids, lemurs, frogs, and other forest dwellers. Copious rains feed many …
The Yasuní National Park is one of the most important on our planet. It harbors and protects incredible biodiversity, yet it is endangered by the oil extraction that wrought havoc on the eastern parts of the Ecuadorian Amazon, known as Oriente.
The Allier was destined to become another dead river in France, dammed and damned. Together with the Loire, it has, however, become the success story of coexistence of man and nature.
Eastern slopes of the Andes are the humid world if the jungles. Incredible amounts of the rain are showering the rainforest, where many streams are born. Jungle of Zanja Arajuno in Ecuador is one of these wild places.
Amid the African savanna, the water has carved beautiful canyon and circular potholes, hence the name Bourke’s Luck Potholes. Waterfalls, rapids, ancient red rocks, and other attractions are part oft his natural wonder.