How fast are rivers?
Rivers are so diverse that there are incredible differences in the speed of the flowing, from almost stagnant lake stretches to wild rapids.
Rivers are lifelines of our planet!
Rivers are so diverse that there are incredible differences in the speed of the flowing, from almost stagnant lake stretches to wild rapids.
The canyons are one of the most striking features of the rivers. Learn how they are formed and where could it be found.
Waterfalls are often the most beautiful parts of the river. Learn how they are formed and how do they function.
Waterfalls are often the most striking features of the rivers. Here we present our TOP 10 waterfalls!
Uncountable rivers flow on the surface of our planet, but some of them have a profound influence on the planet and human society.
Fertile river valleys in Asia are the cradles of the civilization. Learn why and how.
Rumbling and glittering waterfalls tumbling down are integral parts of the rivers, also often the most beautiful. I have explored how waterfalls look like inside.
Slow, even stagnant habitats of the river side-branches and dead-branches, including oxbow lakes, are the mix of the river and wetland.
River regulation is altering of the course of the rivers, embanking it in the stone or cement and reducing its dynamics. Chiefly done for the erosion and flood protection, river navigation and irrigation, but it has backfired with profound negative consequences.
Preserved, natural rivers and streams, in general, offer us many benefits, not only as a conventional resource as a waterway, hydropower energy or irrigation, to name just a few. There are other, often unknown, but essential.