Tag: sediment

Braided Streams

Braided Streams

One of the most beautiful shapes of the rivers, the braided streams are wider riverbeds where the water is flowing in several channels through the sediment. It is typical for middle stretches of the rivers.

Sediment deposition

Sediment deposition

Rivers and streams deposit sediment along the entire course, in the form of the bars, floodplain deposits, deltas, and rarely alluvial fans. Sediment deposition is important for creating and resetting new habitats.  

Sediment transport – gravel and sand “flows” too

Sediment transport – gravel and sand “flows” too

The water is not the only thing that moves in the stream. The sediment, sand, and gravel for example, “flow” too. This sediment transport has a profound effect on river dynamics.

Natural river dynamics – a key to the biodiversity

Natural river dynamics – a key to the biodiversity

Dynamical, natural river harbors many habitat and the corresponding species of the animals and plants. Such river is in constant rejuvenation and creation of new habitats.