Tag: waterfalls

Under the waterfalls

Under the waterfalls

Rumbling and glittering waterfalls tumbling down are integral parts of the rivers, also often the most beautiful. I have explored how waterfalls look like inside.

Bourkes’ Luck Potholes and the Blyde River

Bourkes’ Luck Potholes and the Blyde River

  Amid the African savanna, the water has carved beautiful canyon and circular potholes, hence the name Bourke’s Luck Potholes. Waterfalls, rapids, ancient red rocks, and other attractions are part oft his natural wonder.

Canaima and Angel Falls – the realm of waterfalls

Canaima and Angel Falls – the realm of waterfalls

Canaima National Park and Angel Falls waterfall are one of the most beautiful landscapes on the Earth. Located on the lost world of tepuis, deep in southeastern Venezuela, they are the source of many legends.